Today’s healthcare system is complex and out of control so we built plans with A Rated Insurance Companies & TPA’s that will bring quality, affordable, health care solutions, to employers, employees, and their families. Thanks to you, Realm Health has quickly become the largest benefits provider for business owners and their employees!
You will receive ID cards digitally and in the mail for Realm Health healthcare plans underwritten by 5Star Life or MBA.
So how do you USE and MAXIMIZE your benefits? The most IMPORTANT is our Customer Service/Advocacy team, by calling,
(844) 802-3842 Option 2 and/or email
Communication is important, our Customer Service/CareGuide Advocates will make sure you get the quality, affordable healthcare you deserve!!!
Call (844) 802-3842 option 2, to see if your doctor is in the PHCS PPO Network.
Present your ID Card to the front desk utilizing our national PPO Network through MultiPlan “PHCS” that is on the card.
See samples above.
Realm Health healthcare plans underwritten by 5Star Life, utilize an electronic reimbursement for prescriptions 30 day or more.
MBA healthcare plans utilize Best Choice RX copay plan. If your prescription does not fall within the copay and gets denied at the pharmacy, please call
(844) 802-3842 option 2 to access our Prescription Assistance Program.
If you have high-cost maintenance medications it is always important to call customer service ahead of time so we can start the “PAP” process.
Call ahead to customer service at (844) 802-3842 option 2, so they can get ahead of any claims or bills that you may receive.
If this is an emergency, dial 911.
Customer service will start the advocacy program utilizing our Care Guide Advocate Team which will negotiate any pre or post charges/bills. The Care Guide Advocates will reduce or eliminate any bills or charges you may incur. See testimonial examples.
“The hospital tried to deny my right to live” Diagnosed Stage 4 Cancer - MRI’s, CT Scans, Office Visits, Chemo, Radiation, and more.Business Owner
“I survived the heart attack, but the bill nearly killed me!” Heart Attack - Heart Attack on a hike and Airlifted to a hospital.Business Owner
“I had to choose between paying our rent or getting my child’s meds!” Juvenile Diabetes Medication - Prescribed one of the most expensive drugs on the market